Simon Fortier

Version française

Project Title: Critical Approaches to Religion and Theological Innovation in Presocratic Thought


This project, funded by the FRQSC, aims to produce a series of studies focusing on the link between the critique of traditional religious discourse formulated by certain Presocratic authors (e.g. Xenophanes) and the reflections of these same thinker regarding the nature and the limits of human knowledge.


Having obtained a Master’s degree in Classics at Dalhousie University in Halifax, Simon Fortier went on to complete a thesis on the Neoplatonist Proclus at Laval University under the supervision of Jean-Marc Narbonne. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher at the University of Liège attached to the project “Raison et Révélation : l’Héritage Critique de l’Antiquité”.

Recent Publications and Talks:

« L’inspiration divine de Platon selon Proclus », in the Revue de philosophie ancienne, vol. 33 (2015), no. 2, pp. 201-232.

« Reading the Phaedrus at the School of Athens », presented to the Society for Ancient Greek Philosophy, (October 23, 2015, New York).

« Contemplation according to Hermias », presented to the International Society for Neoplatonic Studies (June 15, 2015, Buenos Aires).

« Imitation et création : une célébration de la littérature grecque tardive », août 2014, Conférence publique de l’École internationale d’été de Percé, Musée Le Chafaud, Percé.